No posts for awhile, so readers may have guessed that we have been traveling once again. Several posts over the next week or so will help get everything caught up.
Our daughter, Sarah, came for a quick visit. She brought along her mother-in-law, Beth, from Kansas City, and Beth's sister, Kay, from Oklahoma. We only had four days, so we wore them out by cramming every day full!
Mary & Sarah with Beth & Kay at Chesterfield |
The plan was to hit Cambridge on the way from the airport, but a delayed flight changed that plan. Instead, we dragged the jet-lagged through a nighttime walking tour of central Nottingham. Probably a poor substitute for Cambridge, but better than sitting at home.
Daffs and the mansion at Chatsworth |
On Easter Sunday we were heathens and skipped church in order to visit Chatsworth, the grand ducal palace, by way of Chesterfield, a quaint market town in the next county with its oddly twisted church spire. We also made a brief stop at Eyam, the plague village.
Kay & Sarah examine unusual signage at Chatsworth |
Monday saw us in Stratford-Upon-Avon, seeing the Shakespeare sites. We've been there three or four times this year now, but I don't get tired of them. Stratford is a nice town. We capped off the visit by taking in a performance of
The Twelfth Night at the Royal Shakespeare Company. Always top-notch.
Hunt for the golden Easter eggs in Chatsworth gardens. |
On Tuesday we did York. Unfortunately, the Roman ruins underneath the Minster were closed due to some construction work, but most other things were open. The women wouldn't let me take them to the Railway Museum, however.
Could this be the Easter Bunny? |
Wednesday we all got up early and were off to London, and from there, more travel followed. However, our paths diverged. Sarah, Beth, and Kay prepared to meet our son-in-law, coming back through London on a business trip. Mark and Mary headed east.