Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Harper's First Birthday

 It doesn't seem possible that we've been grandparents for an entire year now, but little Harper is growing up. We got to help her celebrate her first birthday. Despite government shut-downs and such, our daughter and son-in-law were able to get back to Kansas City for an annual family event on his side. His mother was gracious enough to invite our side of the family to crash the party, and opened her home at a very busy time to us and to my parents.
We gathered several days after the actual birthday for this celebration, but we doubt that Harper was worried by the calendar. The poor child doesn't lack for much, especially in the way of toys, but she began by opening gifts. It's a good thing she likes books, because she received plenty! One, from Great Grandma, was about a cow. The cow was also included, and was also a hit.
The next event was the cake, prepared by expert cake decorator, Aunt Ashley. Harper didn't quite know what to make of it at first, but once Mommy put a finger of frosting in her mouth, she got the idea very quickly.

By the end of the event, which came too quickly for us, she had gotten her good from it.

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